Berry, Steve : The patriot threat (tpb)

ID: 0000193910

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ISBN: 9781444795448
Megjelenés éve: 2015
Állapot: Új idegennyelvű könyv
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The 16th Amendment to the Constitution legalized federal income tax, but what if there were problems with the 1913 ratification of that amendment? Problems that call into question decades of tax collecting, and could even bring down the US economy. There is a surprising truth to this possibility - a truth wholly entertained by Steve Berry, a top-ten New York Times bestselling writer, in his new thriller, The Patriot Threat. His protagonist, Cotton Malone, once a member of an elite intelligence division within the Justice Department known as the Magellan Billet, is now retired. But when his former-boss, Stephanie Nelle, asks him to track a rogue North Korean who may have acquired some top secret Treasury Department files-the kind that could bring the United States to its knees-Malone is vaulted into a harrowing twenty-four-hour chase that begins on the water in Venice and ends in the remote highlands of Croatia. With appearances by Franklin Roosevelt, Andrew Mellon, and a curious painti

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Alexandria link

Szerző: Berry, Steve

Cotton Malone, miután odahagyta titkos ügynöki munkáját, békés könyvkereskedőként él Koppenhágában. Ám egy napon beállít hozzá volt felesége, és közli, hogy a kamasz fiukat elrabol