Berry, Steve : The columbus affair

ID: 0000186670

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ISBN: 9780345526526
Megjelenés éve: 2013
Állapot: Új idegennyelvű könyv
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A family's secret, a ruthless fanatic, and a covert arm of the American government--all are linked by a single puzzling possibility: "What if everything we know about the discovery of America was a lie? What if that lie was designed to hide the secret of why Columbus sailed in 1492? And what if that 500-year-old secret could violently reshape the modern political world?" Pulitzer Prize-winning investigative journalist Tom Sagan has written hard-hitting articles from hot spots around the world. But when one of his stories from the Middle East is exposed as a fraud, his professional reputation crashes and burns. Now he lives in virtual exile--haunted by bad decisions and a shocking truth he can never prove: that his downfall was a deliberate act of sabotage by an unknown enemy. But before Sagan can end his torment with the squeeze of a trigger, fate intervenes in the form of an enigmatic stranger. This stranger forces Sagan to act--and his actions attract the attention of the Magellan Bi

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