Steel, Danielle : Winners (paperback)

ID: 0000187518

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ISBN: 9780440245254
Megjelenés éve: 2013
Állapot: Új idegennyelvű könyv
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Even the most perfect lives can be shattered in an instant. In this moving, emotionally charged novel, Danielle Steel introduces listeners to an unforgettable cast of characters striving to overcome tragedy and discover the inner resources and resilience to win at life—once again.WinnersLily Thomas is an aspiring ski champion training for the Olympics, a young woman with her heart set on winning the gold. But in one moment, Lily’s future is changed forever, her hopes for the Olympics swept away in a tragic accident.Dr. Jessie Matthews, the neurosurgeon who operates on her that night, endures a tragedy of her own, and instantly becomes the sole support of her four young children, while her own future hangs in the balance.Bill, Lily’s father, has pinned all his hopes on his only daughter, his dreams now shattered.Other lives will entwine themselves with theirs: Joe, a financial manager, faces a ruined career at the hand of a dishonest partner. Carole, a psychologist at Mass General, is a

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