Steel, Danielle : A perfect life

ID: 0000184693

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ISBN: 9780593068601
Megjelenés éve: 2014
Állapot: Új idegennyelvű könyv
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CART: Amennyiben nem találja a keresett könyvet az oldal alján található email címre küldje el a könyv címét, szerzőjét, esetleg a megjelenés évét, mi válaszban megküldjük árajánlatunkat, milyen áron, időn belül tudjuk a könyvet küldeni.

The epitome of intelligence, high-powered energy, and grace, Blaise McCarthy is an icon in the world of television news, asking the tough questions and taking on the emotionally charged issues of world affairs and politics with courage and insight. A single mother, she manages her well-ordered career meticulously, always prepared on the air or interviewing world-renowned figures and heads of state. To her audience, Blaise seems to have it all. But privately, and off the set, there is another untold story she has kept hidden for years.Blaise’s teenage daughter, Salima, was blinded by Type 1 diabetes in childhood, and her needs have kept her away in a year-round boarding school with full-time medical care and assistance ever since. When Salima’s school closes after a tragedy, Salima returns to her mother’s New York City apartment, and suddenly they face challenges they’ve never had to deal with before, and that Blaise feels ill-equipped to handle. A new caretaker provided by Salima’s sch

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Szerző: Steel, Danielle