Krúdy Gyula : Ladies day (asszonyságok dija)

ID: 0394780100

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ISBN: 9631355496
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Állapot: Új
A könyv ára: 2375 Ft
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Gyula Krúdy whom John Lukacs calls `the greatest prose writer of Hungary in the twentieth century` created a vast body of fiction and non-fiction that remains still largely undiscovered in European literature. Sándor Márai found his `literary power and greatness almost past comprehension. He knew and preserved an other Hungary that was more enigmatic, more humane, more frightening and paradoxical than the real one.` In Ladies Day the undertaker János Czifra finds himself at a wedding and then in a brothel where, via an encounter with his shadow self Dream, he witnesses a series of bizarre and sordid scenes. A young woman goes into labor alone and abandoned in a dog's den at the bottom of an air shaft. Her life story unfolds, including a nestled narrative of murderous love set amidst tableaus of Budapest in the early 1900's.