Zsoldos Attila : The árpáds and their people

ID: 0000251014

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ISBN: 267708819
Megjelenés éve: 2020
Állapot: Új könyv
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CART: Amennyiben nem találja a keresett könyvet az oldal alján található email címre küldje el a könyv címét, szerzőjét, esetleg a megjelenés évét, mi válaszban megküldjük árajánlatunkat, milyen áron, időn belül tudjuk a könyvet küldeni.

The aim of this book is to present the history of the Árpád era. The method applied here differs significantly from the traditional approach of following the chronological order of events, however. The period is presented not as a linear narration of events, but rather in the light of the society of the time. The introductory chapters are followed by chapters portraying a broad range of typical figures of the age, from the king down to the servants and the free peasants. All the knowledge of the full history of the Árpád period that can be expected to be included in a work of such a size has found its place in this social historical overview. Attila Zsoldos is a full member of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences. He works at the Institute of History of the Research Centre for the Humanities (Budapest, Hungary). His main fields of interest are the social and political history and the institutions of 11–14th century Hungary.

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