Wolff, Michael : Siege - trump under fire

ID: 0000238898

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ISBN: 9781250264893
Megjelenés éve: 2019
Állapot: Új idegennyelvű könyv
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Wolff has "written an equally essential and explosive book about a presidency that is under fire from almost every side," said the publishers with Siege: Trump Under Fire beginning just as Trump's second year as president gets underway and ends with the delivery of the Mueller report. "Siege reveals an administration that is perpetually beleaguered by investigations and a president who is increasingly volatile, erratic, and exposed," said the publishers. Wolff interviewed 150 sources, including former senior officials and "acquaintances outside the White House who talk to Trump at night" for Siege, according to Axios, with two thirds of his Fire and Fury sources coming forward once again. The author and journalist's number one bestseller Fire and Fury (Little, Brown), which has sold 203,000 print copies for L2.9m according to Nielsen, sparked a presidential meltdown last year with its “insider's account”, based on hundreds of interviews in and around the Trump administration, and saw i

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