Follett,ken : The eye of the needle

ID: 0000214355

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ISBN: 9780330509916
Megjelenés éve: 0
Állapot: Új idegennyelvű könyv
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His weapon is the stiletto, his codename: The Needle. He is Hitler's prize undercover agent - a cold and professional killer. It is 1944 and weeks before D-Day. The Allies are disguising their invasion plans with a phoney armada of ships and planes.Their plan would be ruined if an enemy agent found out...and then The Needle does just that. Hunted by MI5, he leads a murderous trail across Britain to a waiting U-Boat. But he hasn't planned for a storm-battered island, and the remarkable young womanwho lives there. Eye of the Needle, an international bestseller, is a heart-racingly exciting tale about the fate of the war resting in the hands of a master spy, his opponent and a brave woman. 'An absolutely terrific thriller, so pulse-pounding, soingenious in its plotting and so frighteningly realistic that you simply cannot stop reading' - Publishers Weekly. 'A tense, marvellously detailed suspense thriller based on a solid foundation of fact'

Hasonló könyvek


The eye of the needle (új, piros)

Szerző: Follett, Ken

One enemy spy knows the secret of the Allies' greatest deception, a brilliant aristocrat and ruthless assassin-code name: "The Needle"-who holds the key to the ultimate Nazi victory. Only one person s


Eye of the needle

Szerző: Follett, Ken
