Stoker,bram : Dracula (owc)

ID: 0000214351

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ISBN: 9780199564095
Megjelenés éve: 0
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A new edition of one of the greatest horror stories in English literature, the novel that spawned a myth and a proliferation of vampire franchises in film, television, graphic novels, cartoons, and teen fiction.Includes a lively and fascinatingIntroduction that considers Stoker's Irish heritage, the Gothic genre and vampire legend, sexual allegory, and the social and cultural contexts that feed into the novel: the New Woman, new technology, race, immigration, and religion. Chronology of BramStoker and Timeline of Vampire Literature before Dracula.Comprehensive Explanatory Notes flesh out vampire mythology and historical allusions. Includes an appendix featuring Stoker's short story, 'Dracula's Guest', an early draft or abandoned chapter that was not published as part of the novel.Criticallyup-to-date Introduction and Expanded Notes by Roger Luckhurst.

Hasonló könyvek


Dracula + cd

Amikor Jonathan Harker Erdélybe,utazik, hogy megkeresse Drakula grófot, egyhamar rájön, hogy nagy hibát követett el. Mi történik a magányos Dracula kastélyban? Miért nincsenek tükrök ? ..



Szerző: Stoker, Bram