Cash,wiley : This dark road to mercy
ISBN: 9780552778213
Megjelenés éve: 2015
Állapot: Új idegennyelvű könyv
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CART: Amennyiben nem találja a keresett könyvet az oldal alján található email címre küldje el a könyv címét, szerzőjét, esetleg a megjelenés évét, mi válaszban megküldjük árajánlatunkat, milyen áron, időn belül tudjuk a könyvet küldeni.
Wade is a loser. A broke waste of space. A father who gave up on his daughters three years ago. Wade is also a thief. Like the day he climbs through the window, steals his girls back and takes them away in his car. He doesn't want to hurt them. All hewants is to make up for lost time: another shot at being a dad. But Wade can't escape his mistakes. And now a man is on their trail - a man who wants Wade dead. Down the wide, open roads of North Carolina, with summer falling behind them, Wade mustprotect his children and outrun a terrifying past that is always one step ahead...