Thireau, K.e. : The morgan expedient (angol nyelvű)

ID: 0000212617

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ISBN: 9786155627095
Megjelenés éve: 2017
Állapot: Új idegennyelvű könyv
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CART: Amennyiben nem találja a keresett könyvet az oldal alján található email címre küldje el a könyv címét, szerzőjét, esetleg a megjelenés évét, mi válaszban megküldjük árajánlatunkat, milyen áron, időn belül tudjuk a könyvet küldeni.

By 2030, man-made and natural electromagnetic pulse disasters have set the stage that thrust the world into proverbial and literal darkness. Hanging by a civilized thread, The Confederation of American States emerges as one of many transfigured geo-political territories faced with unexpected challenges. Renowned CAS researcher, Morgan Pendergrass, reveals uncomfortable scientific truths that have come home to roost. With the birth of his first grandchild, Morgan determines that a new Cambrian Age has exploded, unlocking dormant genetic code. The spectrum of innate abilities, sparked by cumulative, excessive frequencies, disparately unfolds; those same forces converge, gain momentum, and lay claim to man’s penultimate evolution. The human demarcation has been brutally refined. Those who mean to inherit the earth must reconsider the positions of predator and prey. For those meant to prevail, there will no longer be a middle ground. The human legacy, thwarted throughout millenniums,

Hasonló könyvek


Origin (angol nyelvű)

Szerző: Brown, Dan

Robert Langdon, Harvard professor of symbology and religious iconology, arrives at the Guggenheim Museum Bilbao to attend the unveiling of a discovery that "will change the face of science forever". T
