Mikes Kelemen : Letters from turkey - törökországi levelek (angol)
Letters from Turkey, generally considered the best Hungarian prose work of the eighteenth century, was written by Kelemen Mikes, a Transylvanian nobleman who went into exile with Ferenc Rákóczi II, last prince of independent Transylvania. After the unsuccessful War of Independence (170311), in which he had endeavoured to liberate Hungary and Transylvania from the Habsburgs, the prince and his entourage spent some five years in France before in 1717 going to Turkey at the invitation of Sultan Ahmed III. Some of the party eventually left, but Mikes, like Rákóczi, spent the rest of his life in Turkey. Memoir had a considerable vogue at the time, and Mikes wrote in a well-established tradition: the combination of memoir and epistolary form, however, was a novelty in Hungarian, rooted in Mikes's years in France. The 207 Letters, never before englished in their entirety, were addressed over a period of forty years to an imaginary aunt in Constantinople. In them Mikes speaks of the Hungari
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Törökországi levelek
Szerző: Mikes Kelemen
Mikes Kelemen régi irodalmunk egyik legkiemelkedőbb alakja volt. A 18. század közepének legkiválóbb műve a Törökországi levelek című gyűjtemény, amelyet Rodostóban, Rákóczi inasakén