Patterson, James : Middle school - get me out of here!

ID: 0000194853

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ISBN: 9781784750114
Megjelenés éve: 2015
Állapot: Új idegennyelvű könyv
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After sixth grade, the very worst year of his life, Rafe Khatchadorian thinks he has it made in seventh grade. He's been accepted to art school in the big city and imagines a math-and-history-free fun zone. Wrong! It's more competitive than Rafe ever expected, and to score big in class, he needs to find a way to turn his boring life into the inspiration for a work of art. His method? Operation: Get a Life! Anything he's never done before, he's going to do it, from learning to play poker to going to a modern art museum. But when his newest mission uncovers secrets about the family Rafe's never known, he has to decide if he's ready to have his world turned upside down. James Patterson's winning follow-up to Middle School: The Worst Years of My Life is another riotous and heart-warming story about living large.

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