Hornby, Nick : Funny girl (tpb)
Barbara Parker is Miss Blackpool of 1964, but she doesn't want to be a beauty queen. She wants to make people laugh, like her heroine Lucille Ball. So she leaves Blackpool and her family behind, takes herself off to London, and gets a job behind the cosmetics counter of a Kensington department store, while trying to work out how she can get herself noticed. A chance meeting with an agent results in a new name and an audition for a new BBC comedy series. Sophie Straw's time has come.Funny Girl is the story of a television programme, and the people responsible for it: the writers, Tony and Bill, friends since national service and comedy obsessives; producer Dennis, Oxbridge educated, clever, mild and devoted to his team in general and Sophie in particular; and Sophie's good-enough looking co-star Clive, who feels that he's destined for better things, despite the apparently inexhaustible fringe benefits that television stardom offers.As the 1960s progress, and the British people fall in l
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Szerző: Hornby, Nick
Lehetnek-e fontos gondolatai egy nagydarab biztonsági őrnek a modern művészetről? Naná, hogy lehetnek. A CiciKrisztus hőse bebizonyítja, hogy talán még érzékenyebb műértő is lehet, mint ..